Solar Flare Astrology

Solar Flare Astrology

Did you notice people were meaner last week? I sure did. The behavior of my family members became more extreme. If they were usually a bit moody, they became very moody; if they usually had a short temper, they erupted; and if they were the excitable type, they went off the chart.

I observed a lot of dangerous risk-taking, very nasty behavior, suspicion and paranoia. I could not sleep and became more depressed, anxious and nervous. But my awareness of this weird energy was acute. I felt something different. It was like something sinister and strange was happening.

Much of the negative energy of the last week can be explained by Mercury stationing retrograde on December 13 conjunct fixed star Facies. It explains the nasty words and arguments. And Sun square Neptune on December 16 explains the suspicion and paranoia.

But I knew there had to be another explanation because the end of last week was so disturbing. I imagined some psychic energy weapon had been tested. So, I scanned the online news. Volcanic eruption in Iceland? Nah. Oh well, back to work. Then it hit me. I saw a comment by Paul about a massive Solar Flare.

Solar Flare Astronomy

The solar flare occurred at 12:02 p.m. EST (1702 GMT) last Thursday, December 14, was the most powerful solar flare since September 2017. It was rated X, the most potent category. [1]

Solar Flare December 14, 2023

Solar Flare December 14, 2023 [NASA/SDO]

Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy. Flares and solar eruptions can impact radio communications, electric power grids, and navigation signals and pose risks to spacecraft and astronauts. [2]

Indeed, today’s flare “caused a deep shortwave radio blackout over the Americas.” We could see more solar action soon, for the sun is getting more and more active these days. Solar activity waxes and wanes on an 11-year cycle. The current Solar Cycle 25 will peak between January and October of next year. [1]

Solar Flare Astrology

Solar flares intensity existing behavior. Their energy is volatile, disturbing and upsetting. They amplify the astrological effects of the aspect and fixed star conjunctions at their time of impact.

Their influence on a birth chart is similar to a solar eclipse but way more intense. This powerful solar flare seemed to have a substantial impact for about five days, so I would give category X flares an orb of three degrees.

This particular solar flare resulted in a scary negative energy. But this may have been the amplifying effect on Mercury retrograde and Sun square Neptune. How much was due only to the solar flare, I am not sure. I would like to observe their effects on more positive aspects and fixed stars. Positive aspects from a solar flare to the natal chart bring higher spiritual awareness and increased sensitivity.

Conjunctions to natal Sun are most powerful, and I saw a case last week that has a debilitating effect with extreme fear, despondency, and a COVID-19 infection. Like a solar flare knocking out an energy grid, their effect on humans can knock out those things ruled by the planet affected. In the case of the Sun, that is willpower, confidence, vitality and health.

The solar flare on December 14, 2023, was at 22°25’ Sagittarius. As mentioned earlier, it increased the power of the aspects and fixed star conjunction at that time, including the influence of the December 12 New Moon at 20°40′ Sagittarius.

Solar Flare

Solar Flare December 14, 2023

See Sun Transits for more information on how this and other solar flares affect your chart. Their influence will be more intense, perhaps more negative, and modified by any fixed stars they align with, as well as aspects to other planets.


  1. Sun Unleashes Most Powerful Solar Flare Since 201t, Scientific American, December 15, 2023
  2. Sun Releases Strong Solar Flare, NASA, December 14, 2023

66 thoughts on “Solar Flare Astrology

  1. I’ve been going through a Saturn square natal Moon transit and a progressed Venus square Saturn for a while now and I’ve had bouts of low mood but these past few days I’ve been a right grump. Ugh, those worst feelings of feeling sorry for my own self. I can’t stand feeling that way. Time for some self reflection and meditation again. But it’s nice to see what triggered this as it helps a lot. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

  2. Yes I definitely felt it. I received a negative review from my superiors, that was very cold, out of the blue, with false and unfair arguments. I felt bad all week, and by the end of it I realized one of my closest coworkers talks behind my back. My anxiety went through the roof and I’m on sick leave until the end of the year.

  3. I just want to confirm that something has been really unusual, confusing, and emotionally destabilising this past week. A close friend with bi-polar disorder was more vulnerable, and entered crisis mode. At its peak (as I felt it) on Monday 7-8 pm gmt I felt a high degree of confusion, loss of contact with my Self, and the paranoia that triggered. Drinking water helped. I’d like to say meditation helped but I struggled to get there, which in itself is totally unprecedented.

  4. I would have to say my confidence has taken a hit. I have always been there for my Pisces counterpart person. Always. And I had to be direct with her. I need you here for me now. She has been a great help in keeping me balanced.

  5. Hello from Serbia 🙂 ,
    I’m sag rising (22 degree). I had a fever that day for an unknown reason, since I didn’t get sick. O.o

  6. Hit the nail on the head. Daughter visiting and otherwise we’re great together except since last week. Off the chart nasty comments and hyper critical responses. This morning I was considering asking her to shorten her visit.

  7. I started a new job in humanitarian field on dec 5th since other fields were not leading me to success or pleasure or anything. Teams and management at this new job rapidly revealed themselves as unwelcoming and mean towards me. I got fired yesterday less than a month before I started. I actually enjoyed this new job but my work colleagues leagued against me for no reason. I can relate.

  8. Is this why I’ve pretty much been unable to stop eating cookies since my birthday on Dec 5? I didn’t feel like celebrating it in any case, and the past few weeks I’ve been terribly self destructive. It made no sense, I’m usually not like this. Now maybe it does.

  9. Hi jamie at first i wanna wish you and yr family good luck and refreshing/rebuilding christmas days. Thank you again for all the information you provide here. Regarding the solar flare theme i can tell you i had bad sleep last too nights and some kind of burnout today. Have you noticed the sun of the solar flare is on ras alhague star which has something to do with infections ? Today i noticed maybe getting ill but it is better now. Sun – neptune is as you mentioned a hint in same direction. Greez from germany to you aussies – hold on and stay fine 🙋

  10. Wow….anxiety levels have been through the roof this morning and then read this. The last few weeks have been whole other level emotionally with some dark nights of the soul. Depths I have not experienced for a long time. Ruled by Sun….12th house Leo (know you dont use houses)….decan 3. Honestly, this morning I have been wondering how to even deal with it all or how to going on, but many thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences and for others sharing theirs too. Cheers Jamie.

  11. There is (at least) one astrology/spiritual community who have been tracking the solar flares and their relationship w/ astrology for many years now – using the Sabian symbols to guide us on the nature of the energetic information coming to us from Universe, via Sol. We are informed from ‘higher sources’, that it important to use the start time of the flare, rather than the time it hits peak/max – which is the time you appear to be using in your chart. see: For this most recent X-flare (which put a few of our most sensitive folks down for the count for a couple days) the start time was 11:47 AM EST.

    The method of interpretation the group uses is: energetic information is discharged from Sol with the flare. The message is flavored with the Sabian symbol in effect for the degree of the Sun (rounding up, as one always does with Sabian symbols) at the start time of the flare. So we run a chart for that time, with a location of London, England (Royal Observatory) using the Placidus house system). We do this so we can get the exact degree of the Moon and the chart Ascendant. The flare energies are reflected to us by the Moon, which heavily influences the overall message with the Sabian symbol for the degree of the Moon at the time of the flare. Said message arrives to us here on Earth and is additionally imbued with the energetics of the Sabian symbol for the degree of the chart Ascendant. So we get 3 symbols worth of information to use to interpret the energetic message from Universe – which of course may differ in interpretation somewhat from one person to the next, depending on what’s going on in their own chart and/or life. The solar flare symbol information can also be applied to look at what’s going on in the mundane sphere too – such as geopolitical or economic situations. To the best of my knowledge, this technique was pioneered by Laura Walker of

    Of course, the Sabian symbols are more of the esoteric side of the house. The physical and neurological symptoms that humans (and animals too) suffer as the result of geomagnetic storm energy is also very real, and is it’s own thing. Several good presentations on that from Ben Davidson at Suspicious 0bservers, who has also been covering that for many years. Stephan Burns has also been putting out some good info recently too. Here’s a couple recent links and

  12. There is (at least) one astrology/spiritual community who have been tracking the solar flares and their relationship w/ astrology for many years now – using the Sabian symbols to guide us on the nature of the energetic information coming to us from Universe, via Sol. We are informed from ‘higher sources’, that it important to use the start time of the flare, rather than the time it hits peak/max – which is the time you appear to be using in your chart. We use spaceweatherlive (dot) com. I tried to put several helpful links in this comment the first time, but I think maybe your blog is set up to throw out anything with urls, so I’m trying it again without them. For this most recent X-flare (which put a few of our most sensitive folks down for the count for a couple days) the start time was 11:47 AM EST.

    The method of interpretation the group uses is: energetic information is discharged from Sol with the flare. The message is flavored with the Sabian symbol in effect for the degree of the Sun (rounding up, as one always does with Sabian symbols) at the start time of the flare. So we run a chart for that time, with a location of London, England (Royal Observatory) using the Placidus house system). We do this so we can get the exact degree of the Moon and the chart Ascendant. The flare energies are reflected to us by the Moon, which heavily influences the overall message with the Sabian symbol for the degree of the Moon at the time of the flare. Said message arrives to us here on Earth and is additionally imbued with the energetics of the Sabian symbol for the degree of the chart Ascendant. So we get 3 symbols worth of information to use to interpret the energetic message from Universe – which of course may differ in interpretation somewhat from one person to the next, depending on what’s going on in their own chart and/or life. The solar flare symbol information can also be applied to look at what’s going on in the mundane sphere too – such as geopolitical or economic situations. To the best of my knowledge, this technique was pioneered by Laura Walker of OracleReport (dot) com.

    Of course, the Sabian symbols are more of the esoteric side of the house. The physical and neurological symptoms that humans (and animals too) suffer as the result of geomagnetic storm energy is also very real, and is it’s own thing. Several good presentations on that from Ben Davidson at Suspicious 0bservers, who has also been covering that for many years. Stephan Burns has also been putting out some good info recently too. Both are on Youtube. Since I can’t seem to include full urls, here are the respective video “IDs” that you will have to reconstruct into full URLs in order to watch: O64vfzL3KrU and ppcFPC0ep6w

  13. Hi james what kind of information would you get for what kind of sabian symbol in thus case ?

  14. And how would this information relate to that of a fixed star at 22° sag ? And also there are other systems of gradual astrology i know…So i have always asked myself how differnt methods and schools in astrology relate to each other cuz they all claim to be true….this can be very confusing…

  15. So here are the sabian symbols for 22° sag: “a chinese laundry” and ” immigrants enter the land”….

  16. Original chart from my iPhone, 16 December X flare synastry Leona eclipse Betelgeuse

    There was a study at Lunar Eclipse thread starting at 15 November, that articulates Lunar eclipse synastry with Cosmogenesis, using the Vertex. ‘Defending the defenceless’ and ‘Clash of the Titans’

  17. Good post, just stay focused, mind over matter prevales. Sometimes when I have bad dreams. I know something is going to happen. Usually I pray to Saint to overcome whatever I will be faced with. And it helps, every single time. Astrology is like weather prediction. But it is up to you to act accordingly, Saints can help with that, they are here to help. All you need to do is ask for it.

  18. Just have to say that with Saturn square my Decan for 12 whole months, March 2023 to March 2024….. well it’s kinda been like the above and more, and more for me.
    Through no fault of my own, except the financial inability to move elsewhere, the external stressors where i rent have been literally noise torture just for one. A supposed good Christian, and a nurse!, my neighbour 35m away, who must be entirely brain-dead, has subjected me & another close neighbour to firstly 6mths of the 2nd loudest fowl after peacocks, African Guinea fowl.
    80-100 calls all day every day of 2tone, car or shop alarm decibel almost. I’m a homebody. Like drip torture u wait for the next round of calls & so bad i had to stop my poor mind from replaying their call in the nightime. Lost appetite & got underweight, lost some cognitive function, zero focus for anything other than… petition signing & twitter!.
    She only got rid of them, when “her kids had enough”… But still took 6 weeks to. Real nice mum eh. Stuff anyone else as I’d made it clear how this had affected my whole being weeks & weeks before, a few times.
    Then more. As she’d gotten chooks, to supposedly “calm the guineas”…not at all…. One of those pullets became a Rooster. So after a few weeks break from guinea fowl noise torture all day, now it become sleep disturbance anytime from 2.30am. Serveral crows, each time, 4 to 8 times until after dawn. So, 30 to 50 crows of again loud decibel like yeah an ALARM!
    Only through a mutual friend pressure over several goes, was that rooster removed. BUT. The chooks had been allowed to hatch babies before then…. And yep you guessed it after a few weeks respite, one of those matured into a rooster. Rooster 2.
    Ground hog day. And. Currently, Rooster number 3. It’s like a town street here with several residences, but on short driveway into a rural property. If we were in town st, authority would have stopped it 15mths ago.
    She won’t even pen the chooks in at night to at least stop the rooster crowing at the closest points in her yard to my THIN walled cabin. The gobsmacking thing is how she copes with this noise torture. Meds? Heavy heavy sleeper. Power games dopamine? I know by now & thru the mutual friends words, that she’s “the princess type”. Manipulative, not used to not getting her own way.
    Gobsmacking her callousness. True colours shown when re the previous rooster, 2, i calmly but forcefully gave her a tirade, for the 3rd time over 13mths by then right. When i was saying how i had only recovered from 15yrs of odd chronic health issues around 2021, then you come along with this noise torture. Third lot now!!? ….. She smiled & chuckled !! After I said noise “torture”, for the first time…She was also recording me on her phone. She also, a few days later, i heard thru the mutual friend, had actually gone to the police to report on me. Probably for saying in utter desperation, that if rooster, 2 at the time, is not gone soon i will come in & remove it myself. I’m sorry for the tedious letter. Now rooster 3.
    The mutual friend has given up mediating, has enough issues in her life now. I’m afraid to confront her AGAIN, for this FOURTH time, that i will lose the plot with her attitude & try & throttle her tbh!! She’s younger & fit. But yeah i have actually contemplated could i cope in jail for assault! ( I grieved for months after accidentally stepping on & killing a green frog at dusk one time this year! I save insects from the house!)
    I’m just gobsmacked at the whole thing. She is supposed to have a “snake phobia”, re having fowl. But has neither had therapy, she said nothing when I asked. And chose to rent on a farm! With heaps of sheds & “stuff” & farm rubbish around. Fair enough chooks. The guinea fowl were a waking nightmare. But why this incessant one after the other hatching roosters. All this to supposedly stop snakes coming in her yard!!
    I know as a kid, chook eggs attracted snakes. She has made me think of & feel such vivid violence like I have never felt in my entire life of, lots of bad luck, bad choices, thwarted life by 2longterm MeToo, non violent, relationships. I can’t just up & move, I’m too poor. And who should have to move over such indifference & callousness! It’s been so bad i have often thought it’s a good thing we don’t all have guns in Australia. I get now how a mild mannered person can be driven to violence, if not murder!
    I get if this is just too long & off topic to post Jamie, I’m just so over smug ignorant evangelical fundamental superior tunnel vision callous judgemental cruel brainwashed brain-dead people, besides her, locally, globally, that i say, “I hate people”, a lot this last year. Even when my 12mths Saturn sq my decan is over in 3mths, just my general Gemini astro i read from you seems to just be more difficulty. Over it all. Nevertheless, wishes to you Jamie & all who come here, Peace, Good Health & Kindness in 2024. Ban AI & modern Religions imho & world would be a kinder place. 🥲

  19. 2.8 X Flare with Brampton ON location

    This version of the X Flare Synastry with Leona-Betelgeuse eclipse shows Leona Sun 19°Sag44′ conjunct X Flare Mid Heaven, 19°Sag45

    The X Flare, it should be noted, has a 7 factor
    0.7 + 0.7 = 1.4
    1.4 + 1.4 = 2.8

    With the Brampton location, each chart shows a movement closer to an arrival, indeed December 14 is a travel day. On our way to Toronto Intl Airport to pick up my kid, and Brampton is closer than Milton,. She departs Vancouver at the X flare. I have a message from her 11:48 EST, she has passed thru airport security, boarding the plane.

  20. This thread could easily devolve into a chin wag, anecdotes to the topic X Flare synastry, but it might bore. Suffice it to say, chilling in an airplane, an airport securiity incident or two, and partying with Long John Baldry 40 years ago – maybe, maybe not. Peel region, on or off dissolution, might be most holostic, as it pertains to location. So far December has been the busiest month I’ve experienced in an otherwise eventful return to Ontario. Perhaps I should stay offline more often.

  21. Last week I was tired and moody and it was not my normal mood! I even left work early last Thursday to go home and rest! I felt so off but was not sure why!!

  22. I can relate to the tiredness and loss of sense of self. The experience is of being shattered. Many pieces with no unification or wholeness

  23. This fascinates me also, Jamie. Human consciousness and psychology are less explored than outer space. I am leaning towards magnetic fields as a major influence on our moods: the Sun, the stars, the galactic cluster we occupy.

    Thanks for the thoughtful article, and the comments by the readers too.

    • It is a great topic Greg. I think astrology may work through elecromagnetic energy coming from the Sun and stars, modified by the Moon and planets, and then effecting the core of the earth then somehow our endocrine systems. The latest reseach I cought up with suggested the core of the earth was a single gigantic crytal of iron, possible liquid. I even read somewhere the iron crystal could be in the shape of a dodechahrdron, but I can’t remember if that last part was from a scientific paper or not.

  24. Oh yo i am astonished to read somebody mentioned C.G.Jung….what a f**cking racist talking about the human soul like him or rudolphus steiner they should be banished for all times 🤣☝️🤔 – where is the censorship ? So reducing man on reason, science and transhumanistic functionality is without alternatives in the spirit of our time. EMPs produced by man through nuclear explosions in the sky, haarp projects, geo-engeneering since the 1980s and so on….we really don’t need nature to destroy ouselves…btw. what or who is “nature” or “evolution” in the end ? They sound like persons i still don’t know WHO they are…

  25. A very dear friend of mine died on Saturday 16th. She was relatively young (middle forties) and very healthy (she had had a cosmetic procedure done on or near 9 December). She overstrained herself by getting up a bit too early to shop for a party. She felt some sudden extreme pain and was readmitted to hospital on the 15th. The next morning she simply failed to wake up.
    We are all totally gob-smacked. She had such a lovely life and a brilliantly happy marriage.
    I haven’t even looked at her chart yet. Somehow it would seem ghoulish.

  26. MOST DEFINITELY concur with all you said! No time to share any details of my chart, what I experienced with myself, others in my world, and people online (including an extreme pedantic, critical, nervous & driven hyperanalytical verbosity and perseveration in speech and writing). Also want to say I’m greatly enjoying your charting territory (pun unintended but valid! lol) re the orb for the solar flares and other things that you are coming up with? Well done and greatly appreciated.

  27. Started browsing the electromagnetic field we travel in and got lost in the plasma of it all. I think I need a primer on that. An electrical engineer published a primer some years ago The Electric Sky. Maybe will start with something like that.

  28. Looking back, 14 November, an exchange of iPhone messages with my kid:

    Kid – Good afternoon😊 one month to go!
    Me – yep, 14 is the lucky number.
    Kid – Yes!
    Me, 7 + 7, see if a calendar adjustment appears eventually, you may see it, but far off in the future.
    Kid – Okay!
    Me, 2077 -2023 = 54.
    Me, 54/7 = 7.7142857
    Kid – I’m confused what’s the significance of 2077?
    Me – I choose the closest year with two sevens together, and examine the relationship to this year, then factor seven. The product is an interesting sequence of two sevens, then 14, then 28, just an experiment in abstract mathematics.
    Me – people are looking into our conversation and would be curious of a calendar change or benchmark, and so it is offered, something peculiar.

  29. So interesting that you are covering this. I have been tracking solar flares for some time and how they might be related to a worsening of my migraines. And bingo, I had a terrible 3-day migraine crisis on December 19, 20 and 21. It was exhausting. Before that, I felt particularly irritable, which doesn’t happen often. The X flare was square my Moon at 20:51 Pisces and opposite my South Node at 19:39 Gemini.

  30. Interesting observation, Alexandra. I hope the migraines have gone away now.

    With the new space and radio telescopes being built, and those already in use, we may finally have some answers soon. Advances in quantum physics have been helpful too in explaining astrology and biological questions.

    The universe is a 2-dimensional hologram along with black holes (theoretically), and every part of it is entangled with every other part. Maybe.

    “But I’m just an old country doctor, Jim…”

  31. 7 Factor astrology, 14 Nov, begin conversation, 1:15 pm EST, final sequence 3:42 pm EST.

    The CBS Network News provider ‘black swan bad’ may be seen as a lagging indicator, to the 14 Nov conversation, Father’s leading indicator to 14 Dec X-flare.

    The talking head was just confirming people’s difficult few days, and pointed to the consensus astrology.

  32. Astrologyking recording its own unique cadence to morphology comet 12P Pons/Brook and X Flare response; Spaceweather on latest from British Astronomical Assoc:

    “Ice volcanoes on Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks have erupted half-a-dozen times in 2023. Astronomers are starting to see a pattern. “The last few outbursts have been on a 15 day cadence,” reports Nick James of the British Astronomical Association (BAA), “and we might be coming up to another one.” James prepared this plot showing the clockwork quality of recent eruptions:

    “The last outburst took place sometime around Dec. 14th. That means the next one is due on Dec. 29th or 30th.

    Why is the comet erupting every 15 days? Basically, it’s because the comet spins with a 2 week period. Somewhere on the comet’s surface there is a cryovolcanic vent that gets hit with sunlight with this same cadence.

    “It’s like ‘Old Faithful’,” explains Richard Miles of the BAA. “Comet 12P has a super cryogeyser, eruption of which is triggered after local sunrise at its location.”

  33. X 5.0 Solar Flare

    Look, a holy grail T-square, with ambivalent Jupiter. I found the binder. It was on the Sun all this time. 14 chapters, a prologue, introduction, index and page for references. Did you scrape and capture the Artwork and secure a retirement pension? Will it now repatriate the citizens and sail the seven seas? Tune in next year for more to this fable.

  34. X 3.38 Solar Flare

    Chart set for Suva, Fiji

    X Flare celebrates the Lunar New Year, in proximity to the highest concentration of countries that follow this calendar. Fiji a good choice further, in consideration of its population of Sidereal and Tropical astrology traditionalists. Note Neptune bi-quintile Haumea; the depths of the Pacific ocean home, governing by royal nature, the Polynesian way. Neptune and Haumea share the same octave with Venus, Venus transit outrageous 21Cap12.

  35. M 9.0 Flare, location set for Greenwich, UK

    Asteroid 321485 Cross, transit return natal.
    04Aqr56 Mid heaven, dwarf planet Makemake transit natal

    I was getting pinged on Trappist -1 while constructing the 3.38 X Flare chart, and perhaps the best place to study Cross

    Y’know this Solar Flare, and many others… just another day at work for the Vatican, Monarchy and Space Force?

  36. X 2.5 Flare, local time. Sun rising, square Moon. Venus void.

    There’s a story in the selected asteroids. Pandarus, the speed of the flare. Hardy, the comedian, having a chat with a Senator over accounts. Gandhi, to remind us the Dragons head in Aries…

  37. JUST IN:
    March 23,2024
    (Courtesy of

    “STRONG X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: The sun just produced a solar flare so strong, it took two sunspots to make it. The long-duration X1.1-class flare started on March 23rd around 0130 UT when both AR3615 and AR3615 erupted. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the double blast:

    This is called a “sympathetic solar flare.” Sympathetic flares are pairs of flares that occur almost simultaneously in widely-spaced sunspots, not by chance, but because of an unseen physical connection. Nearly-invisible magnetic loops in the sun’s corona connect some sunspots, allowing explosive instabilities to travel from one to the other. Some sympathetic flares are so much alike, they are considered to be twins.

    This X-class event lasted for more than 5 hours, plenty of time to lift a CME out of the sun’s atmosphere. Confirmation awaits fresh data from SOHO coronagraphs; stay tuned.”

    The Sun is nearing its peak output over the next few years, which could result in flares strong enough to take down power grids and kill communication satellites. This sunspot is a monster, and might cause such problems for the next few weeks. It is bigger than 10 Earths in area.

    We are living in ‘interesting times’, like the old Chinese aphorism says.

  38. X 1.6 Solar flare, 3 May, 2:22 UT, geocentric and heliocentric charts set for Greenwich, Eng, UK.
    natal outer wheel



    Geocentric view, Pluto on the Ascendant, look at Pluto trine Jupiter, Heliocentric view.

    First impulse is to observe these charts in tandem, and claim agency. Which doesnt make one feel good, better or best, but like the song, ‘i best be on my way’. How that will look isnt up to me, beyond what’s been said already. There is much to consider in these charts.

  39. More solar flares, Moon transit Taurus, like a procession. 3 x 1.0 , and many M class

    More recently x 2.2, solar flare, at sunspot 3664, Moon 05Gem50
    Synastry Mark Zuckerberg

    Mark’s eye-pattern, he’s more than usual interested in Taurus astrology, with Jupiter-Uranus transits, and how that looks in the big tech picture, social media and the like.

  40. X 1.1 Solar flare, sunspot 3664, 9 May, 17:48 utc. Moon 10Gem52

    chart is set for Greenwich UK, whole sign, Aries=1

    selected aspects,

    Asteriod DNA 55555 conjunct Lilith 24Vir, trine Uranus 23Tau
    umm, sounds like Solar Flares – Uranus, coding Earth help from Dark Moon

    Moon Quintile or Bi-Quintile Neptune
    “You have a very creative imagination. You appreciate imaginative stories, arts, and music. Your dreams may be vivid. Art or music is a good outlet for you, either by creating the works yourself or appreciating the work of others.” cafeastrology

  41. x 3.9 solar flare, sunspot 3664, 10 May, 6:54 utc

    heliocentric view

    Compared to x1.6 solar flare, Mystic Rectangle pattern becoming more focused at 27°
    Juno, long term partner trine Jupiter, sextile goddess Pallas, opposite spirit Neptune.
    When you’ve been with the Artwork a long time….

        • My kid’s new favorite song, Dear Mr President, by Pink.

          latest x flares, local time

          x 5.89

          Pallas conjunct Ascendant

          x 1.5

          Nihal, Bellatrix conjunct Ascendant

          weather the storm, better days ahead.

          Dream catcher astrology,
          Moon conjunct Venus, trine Quaoar,
          Mars trine Varuna, Juno semisextile Varuna.

          Both sides, study the Quaoar, Varuna in that chart.

          The two recent solar flares is like a local conversation and chronology.

          • “The split infinitive “to boldly go” has also been the subject of jokes regarding its grammatical correctness. British humorist and science-fiction author Douglas Adams describes, in his series The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the long-lost heroic age of the Galactic Empire, when bold adventurers dared “to boldly split infinitives that no man had split before”.


  42. x 1.0 Solar flare, 16:26 utc Greenwich, UK, 12 May

    This solar flare is about family structure, 4 sons, and set theory.

  43. X 1.7 Solar Flare, Washington, DC

    may be seen as a response to ‘look at your watch’ astrology.

    X 1.7 eye pattern, top of chart, Juno focus, apex golden yod.

    Among hundreds of topics, the Afghanistan war took a turn through astrologyking. I was generally reluctant to do much astrology about this (Aug 2022). There’s Brave New Moon, (Apr 2021) which goes deep into the realm of a hero football player becoming a war casualty. There’s a solemn respectful military funeral ceremony (Nov 2019) that must be attended, following the awarding of the National Medal of Arts.

    In astrology Mars is the soldier, Saturn is the General, Pluto is necessity, and it appears…. Juno has a long term relationship with the artwork.

  44. x 1.2 Solar Flare, 3664, 14 May, Greenwich, UK 13:33 utc

    Solar x flare inner ring. 1 April 2024, Mercury Rx begins, outer ring.

    Virgo asc, Gemini MC

    We’re clear of the cycle, time to review the last six weeks. My thoughts:
    . Climate debate, taxes, competing visions, with the aim of a merger.
    . Solar eclipse, North America, ephemera and observation astrology.
    . Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.
    . Madhatter comet 12P Pons Brook, seiche and song.
    . Solar Flare procession, dream catcher
    . Juno partner memories, old and new.

  45. x 8.7 Solar flare, 3664 16:54 utc 14 May 2024

    Heliocentric instinct, right away.

    This flare feels like a whip because I didn’t go into the 5.89 X Flare horoscope ‘chronology’, which takes us back to second ”proof” of the artwork, the Progressed composite of me and my kid , Part of Fortune and NN;
    a big reminder to look at Cusp of Oscillation astrology, Cancer/Leo.

  46. Caligula x 8.7 flare, kicking’ the suit outta Cladius again, Juno and the guards don’t like it and will remember

    Mars sextile Juno, apex Part of fortune yod

    Perhaps a tad over-dramatic.

  47. x 3.48 solar flare, sunspot 3664, 15 May, 8:37 Utd

    Geocentric view from preferred location, Greenwich, UK
    Cancer Asc.
    Chart ruler Moon 23Leo32

    The inner wheel is the solar flare, acting like transits around the outer wheel, natal Cosmogenesis.
    Cosmogenesis has a 23Sag vertex, trine solar flare moon.

    Yod pattern
    Part of Fortune sextile Galactic centre, apex Jupiter. Note Jupiter is transiting Cosmogenesis REXIS .

    Asteroid 48888
    “REXIS, the Regolith X-ray Imaging Spectrometer aboard the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, is the result of the work of over 100 students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University who conceived, designed, implemented, and operated it at the asteroid (101955) Bennu.

  48. X 3.0 Solar flare, from a new active region
    Greenwich, Eng, UK, 14:38 utc 15 May

    Moon 26Leo23

    Try a multi-composite, three charts of the trinity.
    Greenwich reference location.Leo23

    Age of Aquarius
    Regulus ingress Virgo
    Cancer chart ruler,
    Moon 19Leo, at 00 utc, May 15.

    Moon would go on to transit multi-composite Part of Fortune, , before X Flare at 26Leo23

    • We’re through the Leo Moon void of course period. This has been a test of the emergency broadcast artwork…

      Change multi composite to original order that initializes as ARC, change reference place to midpoint …

      Ascendant Gemini, Mercury Rx chart ruler (trine Venus)

      Jupiter transit 12th house, lucky escape.

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